Resources for Qualitative Research

The following publications, tutorials, and tools were prepared with qualitative researchers in mind.
Books & Articles
The basics of transcription: Hepburn, A., & Bolden, G. B. (2017). Transcribing for social research. London: Sage Publications.
Transcription Theory
Bucholtz, M. (2000). The politics of transcription. Journal of Pragmatics, 32(2000), 1439–1465.
Ochs, E. (1979). Transcription as theory. In E. Ochs and B.B. Schiefflin (Eds.), Developmental pragmatics (pp. 43–72). New York: Academic.
Mondada, L. (2016). Challenges of multimodality: Language and the body in social interaction. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 20(3), 336-366.
Mavers, D. (2012).Transcribing Video. NCRM Working Paper. NCRM. Retrieved from
Oliver, D. G., Serovich, J. M., & Mason, T. L. (2005). Constraints and opportunities with interview transcription: Towards reflection in qualitative research. Social forces, 84(2), 1273-1289.
GWC workshop video: Transcription as Part of the Qualitative Research Writing Process
Video explaining basics of Jefferson transcription, with examples:
E.A. Schegloff’s Transcription Module:
Introductory online tutorial from Charles Antaki:
ELAN: Free transcription and annotation software for video and audio data designed by researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics.
InqScribe: Simple digital media transcription software. Free trial and student pricing available.
Transana: Video analysis software with transcription, coding, and conversion capabilities. Student pricing available.
Additional resources
Resource on the process of analyzing interactional data:
GWC Workshop: Coding as Part of the Qualitative Research Process
Qualitative Analysis Software
Dedoose: Developed by UCLA professors, Dedoose is a cloud-based qualitative and mixed-methods data analysis package. Student subscription pricing is available.
Atlas.ti: Popular qualitative analysis software for textual, audio, video, and graphical data. Both desktop and cloud-based versions. Student licenses available.
NVivo: Another widely used qualitative and mixed-methods data analysis package. Free trial version and student license available.
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