About the Graduate Writing Center

How We Started
The Graduate Writing Center is an initiative of the Graduate Students Association, funded by a GSA fee referendum, managed by Student Affairs, and overseen by the Graduate Writing Center Oversight Committee. The Graduate Writing Center came about as the result of a fee referendum, initiated by the Graduate Students Association and approved by the graduate student body in Spring of 2006.
GWC Writing Consultants
Our writing consultants are graduate students come from a variety of fields and are trained to work with graduate students from all disciplines. Graduate students may find it helpful to meet with the writing consultants closest to their fields, but this is not required. Our consultants do not proofread/edit; they work interactively with graduate students to improve their writing skills. Visit the Consultants web page page for their bios.
GWC Workshops
The Graduate Writing Center offers a variety of workshops on both general writing issues and specialized topics, such as dissertation and thesis writing. The GWC is available, time and resources permitting, to make workshop presentations for departments or in graduate courses by request. For more information about our workshops, visit our Workshops web page.
GWC Thesis/Dissertation Support
We have a number of programs for graduate students who are writing dissertations, dissertation proposals, and master's theses. We offer a number of summer "boot camps" for doctoral students in the arts, humanities, and social sciences. We also offer STEM writing retreats for graduate students working on dissertations, theses, and publications. The GWC also offers a mentoring program for graduate students writing master's theses and doctoral qualifying papers in the humanities and social sciences. See our Thesis Support web page for more information.
GWC Oversight Committee
The Graduate Writing Center has an oversight committee with graduate student representatives from the GSA Councils as well as ex officio members representing the UCLA faculty and administration. The GWC Oversight Committee advises the GWC Director and makes recommendations about GWC services. The GSA Vice President of Academic Affairs oversees the GWC Oversight committee, so please contact vpaa [at] gsa.asucla.ucla.edu with questions about the committee.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who runs the Graduate Writing Center?
Marilyn Gray is the Director of the Graduate Writing Center and responsible for day-to-day operations. You may contact her by email: mgray@saonet.ucla.edu if you have any questions or suggestions.
Who funds the Graduate Writing Center?
The Graduate Writing Center is funded by a special Graduate Students Association fee. The fee was approved by a graduate student referendum in the spring of 2006 and moderately increased in 2013. The GWC also receives supplemental funding from Student Service Fee temporary funds, which are allocated by the Student Fee Advisory Committee.
How do I make an appointment at the Graduate Writing Center?
Please make a writing appointment using the Handshake appointment system, which we share with the Career Center. You are limited to scheduling one appointment per week in advance. Click here for more information on scheduling an appointment.
When are the Graduate Writing Center workshops?
Workshops are offered at a variety of times, usually in the afternoon during weeks two through nine of the quarter. Click here for the most up-to-date schedule.
Who works at the Graduate Writing Center?
The graduate writing consultants are graduate students from a variety of academic and professional school programs. They are trained to help graduate students with writing issues, which they do during consultation appointments. Graduate writing consultants help lead GWC workshops and programs as well. The annual hiring cycle occurs in the summer, usually during August. Open position announcements are sent to departmental SAOs, who share the announcement with students. If you are not sure your department forwards these announcements, please contact our office (gwc@gsa.asucla.ucla.edu).
How can I work at the Graduate Writing Center as a writing consultant?
Annually, usually in late summer, we announce open writing consultant positions by sending an email announcement through departmental graduate student listservs. Graduate students may apply to work at the GWC at that time. Those selected will participate in mandatory training, which usually occurs in September before fall quarter begins.
How do I find a copy editor to review my written work?
Our graduate writing consultants do not edit or proofread. If you need copy editing or proofreading services, you will need to find and pay someone to do this kind of work. One way to find a graduate student is to advertise your job through the graduate student listservs in departments like English or Education (we do not provide this information, but departmental contact information is publicly available in the UCLA online directory). If you need help with a piece of writing that will be submitted for coursework or a formal requirement of your degree, you should also clear the use of an editor with your professor or academic advisor.
How do I get help with formatting my thesis or dissertation?
Help with style guides and thesis formatting are basically copy-editing issues, which are not supported by the Graduate Writing Center. We have some resources for dissertators and thesis writers linked here. Graduate Division has formatting guidelines and samples posted here.