Writing and Research Workshops - Spring 2024

The Graduate Writing Center offers a wide variety of writing workshops, ranging from general to more specialized topics. We also provide information on selected campus offices that provide assistance with research, data management, and data analysis.

All workshops are conducted on Zoom unless otherwise noted.

Past Workshops

Workshop Videos

General Workshops

Project Organization for Writing

Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director

In this workshop, we will discuss how to set up an organized system for a large-scale research and writing project, especially the writing components.a

Time Details: Monday, March 25th, 9:00-10:00 AM
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Time Management and Productivity Tips for Writing

Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director

In this workshop, we will discuss effective strategies for time management, goal setting, and productivity when conducting large-scale research and writing projects, especially for the writing components.

Time Details: Tuesday, March 26th, 9:00-10:00 AM
RSVP on Handshake to receive a Zoom invitation

Revision Workshop: Strategies for Revising Longer Texts

Abraham Encinas, English

This hands-on workshop will provide people with revision strategies for longer texts, such as master’s theses, dissertation chapters or proposals. Please bring a hard copy of your own work—at least 15-20 double-spaced pages (more is fine).
After the workshop, light refreshments will be provided. We will then have an open writing session until 7 PM.

Time Details: Thursday, April 11th, 3:00-4:30 PM
Location (IN PERSON): Conference Room 4, Student Activities Center (basement level)
RSVP on Handshake (so we know how much food to order)

Public Speaking in Academia

Adriana Mendez Leal, Psychology, Writing Consultant

This workshop introduces the genres of public speaking in academia, ranging from teaching lectures to conference papers to job talks. The workshop includes suggested strategies as well as hands-on practice.

Time Details: Thursday, April 18th, 5:15-6:45 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Writing a Literature Review (Introduction and Overview)

Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director

This workshop will describe literature reviews across multiple contexts and genres. The workshop will also cover strategies and best practices for note-taking, preparatory steps, writing process issues, and organization.

Time Details: Wednesday, April 24th, 5:15-6:30 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive a Zoom invitation

Strategies for Writing Longer Literature Reviews

Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director

This workshop will cover strategies for writing longer literature reviews for theses, dissertations, proposals, and review papers. The workshop will also address organizational approaches and writing process issues.

Time Details: Thursday, April 25th, 5:15-6:30 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive a Zoom invitation

Expanding Your Audience: How to Publish Outside Academia

Jessie Stoolman, Anthropology, Writing Consultant

Where can your writing and research interests go beyond a field-specific journal article or academic conference presentation? Writing for non-academic publications offers graduate students the opportunity to flex their creative muscles and develop a broader audience for their work. This workshop will help orient students within the world of non-academic writing, providing guidance on where to publish, how to translate complex ideas for a general audience and strategies for writing a pitch letter to a non-academic publication.

Time Details: Thursday, May 30, 5:15-6:45 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Mindful Writing Retreat Sessions (Online)

Marilyn Gray, Director, Graduate Writing Center

The mindful writing retreat will integrate simple techniques from mindfulness to support the writing process and cultivate an approach to writing that fosters balance, self-care, and well-being. Please bring a current writing project because much of the retreat time will be allocated for writing. All sessions will be conducted remotely via zoom.

1) Wednesday, April 17th, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive a Zoom invitation

2) Wednesday, April 24th, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
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3) Wednesday, May 15th, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
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4) Wednesday, May 22nd, 1:30 PM-4:00 PM
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Humanities Writing Workshops

An Introduction to Publishing Journal Articles (Humanities Focus)

Jesslyn Whittell, English, Graduate Writing Center Consultant

Thinking about preparing an article manuscript for submission? This workshop will focus on the aspects of the process of getting an article published that most differ from other graduate writing projects, such as selecting appropriate journals and interacting with editors. We will also discuss strategies for revising articles for a target journal.

Time Details: Thursday, May 9th, 5:15-6:45PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive Zoom information

Getting Started on the Dissertation (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Related Fields)

Marilyn Gray, Director, Graduate Writing Center

This workshop gives an overview of organization, time management, writing process issues and writing strategies. Recommended for people in the early stages of the dissertation, but useful for all stages.

Time Details: Thursday, May 16th, 5:15-6:45 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Social Sciences Writing Workshops

An Introduction to Publishing Journal Articles (Sciences and Social Sciences Focus)

Adriana Mendez Leal, Psychology, Writing Consultant

Thinking about preparing an article manuscript for submission? This workshop will focus on the aspects of the process of getting an article published that most differ from other graduate writing projects, such as selecting appropriate journals and interacting with editors. We will also discuss strategies for revising articles for a target journal.

Time Details: Wednesday, May 8th, 5:15-6:45PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive Zoom information

Getting Started on the Dissertation (Humanities, Social Sciences, and Related Fields)

Marilyn Gray, Director, Graduate Writing Center

This workshop gives an overview of organization, time management, writing process issues and writing strategies. Recommended for people in the early stages of the dissertation, but useful for all stages.

Time Details: Thursday, May 16th, 5:15-6:45 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Science and Engineering Writing Workshops

Strategies for Writing Effective Scientific Papers

Aidan Howenstine, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Graduate Writing Consultant

This workshop will address basic principles for writing scientific papers and offer strategies for avoiding common pitfalls. We will also introduce key points from Joshua Schimel's book Writing Scienceon developing good narrative structure and clarity to make writing engaging and impactful.

Time Details: Monday, March 25th, 1:00-2:00 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Creating Effective Figures and Visual Aids for Conference Presentations and Publications

Marie Payne, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Graduate Writing Consultant

This workshop focuses on strategies for designing effective figures and visual materials for conference presentations, publications, and other contexts. The workshop will also introduce different software packages that can be used to create high-quality figures, and offer further resources for learning these programs.

Time Details: Tuesday, March 26th, 1:00-2:00 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Thesis and Dissertation Writing in STEM Fields (Final Stages)

Marilyn Gray, Director, Graduate Writing Center

This workshop will give an overview of the final components and writing stages of a STEM thesis or dissertation.

Time Details: Wednesday, March 27th, 1:00-2:00 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive Zoom information

An Introduction to Publishing Journal Articles (Sciences and Social Sciences Focus)

Adriana Mendez Leal, Psychology, Writing Consultant

Thinking about preparing an article manuscript for submission? This workshop will focus on the aspects of the process of getting an article published that most differ from other graduate writing projects, such as selecting appropriate journals and interacting with editors. We will also discuss strategies for revising articles for a target journal.

Time Details: Wednesday, May 8th, 5:15-6:45PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive Zoom information

ESL Workshops

Self-Editing Strategies for Non-Native Speakers of English

Amelia Ino, Comparative Literature, Writing Consultant

This workshop will provide concrete strategies and online tools to enable non-native speakers of English to improve their writing and editing process, check grammatical issues, make appropriate vocabulary choices and approach issues like article and preposition usage in their own writing projects.

Time Details: Wednesday, April 17th, 5:15-6:45 PM
This workshop will be conducted remotely via Zoom.
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Grants/Fellowships Workshops

Writing the Wenner Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant Application

Jessie Stoolman, Wenner Gren Recipient, Anthropology, Graduate Writing Consultant
This workshop will introduce students to the application process for the Wenner Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant. We will provide strategies for addressing the application's various prompts and review examples of successful applications.

Time Details: Thursday, April 4th, 12:30-1:30 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Applying for the NIH Training Fellowship

Caroline Diehl, NIH NRSA Recipient, Clinical Psychology

This workshop will cover the application process and required components of an NIH NRSA application. We will discuss preparation, documents required, and writing strategies for the F31, but the F30 and F32 are very similar. We will also address how to find appropriate materials/resources for a complete application.

Time Details: Tuesday, May 21st, 5:00-6:30 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Writing the Fulbright U.S. Fellowship Application

Jackie Davis, Fulbright Recipient, Writing Consultant
Jessie Stoolman, Fulbright Recipient, Writing Consultant
Jane Sin, Division of Graduate Education Fellowship Services

This workshop will cover strategies for writing the Fulbright U.S. fellowship application. We will discuss the structure and content of key documents using examples. We will address writing tips for fellowship applications as well as specific advice for this Fulbright fellowship.

Time Details: Thursday, May 23, 1:00-2:30 PM
RSVP on Handshake to receive an invitation

Statistical Support and Consultation

For support with statistics, please see the statistical support website of the Office of Advanced Research and Computing. Graduate students are eligible for (remote) statistical consulting services on theses, dissertations, and journal publications (projects that are not coursework).

Research Workshops at the Library

To see the most complete, current schedule of UCLA Library advanced research workshops, consult the UCLA Library research workshop page.

Research Guides
Online research guides link to key resources and reference books for certain courses and disciplines. Subject guides, course guides, and general research guides are available.

Research Appointments
Graduate students are encouraged to contact the Library's subject specialists for more specialized and personalized assistance with research, library resources, and subject databases; find a complete list of all subject specialists here.

Copyright Questions
Contact the Library's copyright experts for assistance with copyright, publishing, intellectual property, and other related issues at copyright@library.ucla.edu.