Writing Fellowship and Grant Proposals

Finding Fellowships
Graduate and Postdoctoral Database for Extramural Support (GRAPES): A catalogue of extramural funding opportunities, which you can search by field, academic level, award type, award amount, and other criteria. Maintained by UCLA’s Graduate Outreach, Diversity, and Fellowships Office.
Applying for Fellowships
GWC Grant and Fellowship Resource and Sample Archive: A variety of resources to help with applying for major extramural fellowships, including links and videos as well as samples of successful application essays available for view.
Writing Grants and Fellowship Applications: Recorded GWC workshops on writing fellowship and grant applications.
Grant Proposal Preparation and Writing Tools: Preparation guidelines and grant-writing tools from UCLA’s Office of Contract and Grant Administration.
Grant Proposals (Or Give Me the Money!): An overview of the grant proposal-writing process from UNC Chapel Hill.
Online Proposal Writing Guides: A list of links for graduate students and other applicants in all fields, compiled by UNC Chapel Hill.
Proposal Writing Short Courses and Webinars: Online tutorials from the Foundation Center, adapted from Jane C. Geever (2007), The Foundation Center’s Guide to Proposal Writing (5th ed.).
Dissertation Proposal Resources: UC Berkeley's fellowship and grant resource page from the Sponsored Office. UC Berkeley’s Institute of International Studies has additional resources on developing proposals (see grant-writing resources at bottom of page).
Proposal Writing Guide: A guide intended for faculty and staff with little experience writing proposals. Written by Don Thackrey of the University of Michigan.
The Art of Writing Proposals: “Candid suggestions” for applicants to fellowship competitions hosted by the Social Science Research Council. Written by Adam Pzreworski and Frank Salomon.
The Art of Grantsmanship: Advice for scientists from Jacob Kraicer of the Human Frontier Science Program.
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